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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First round of Super Doubles

Alright, so it's kind of hard to see everything in the picture because I got so much stuff! But I think I did really well for first day of Super Doubles! Here is a list of what I got:
  • 2 Betty Crocker potatoes: $3.78 for both. Used a $1 coupon that doubled = $1.78/2 or .89 each
  • 2 Kraft Mac & Cheese: $3.98 for both. Used 2 $1 coupon that doubled= FREE
  • 1 Wasa crackers: $1.50. Used a $1 coupon (found in store) that doubled=FREE
  • 3 Ragu Pasta Sauce: B1G1 $5.02/3. Used $1.25 coupon that doubled= $2.52/3 or .84 each
  • 1 Bounty Paper Towel: $2.15. Used $1 coupon that doubled= .15
  • 1 Peter Pan Peanut Butter: e-vic price .97 Used .60 coupon that doubled= FREE
  • 2 Welchs Grape Jelly: e-vic price .97 each (forgot coupon! AHH)= $1.94/2 or .97 each
  • 2 Lance Snack Crackers: 2/$4. Used $1 coupon that doubled= 2/$2 or $1 each
  • 1 Pure Protein Bar: $1.59 Used $1 coupon that doubled = FREE
  • 2 Wholly Guacamole Dip: 2/$3.98. Used $1/2 coupon that doubled= $1.98
  • 1.95 lb Green Grapes: .99 lb= $1.93
  • 2 packages of 12 Rodes dinner rolls: 2/$2.25. Used 2 $1 coupons that doubled= .50 for both or .25 each
  • 1 package of Tornado southwest rolls: $2.85. Used a $1 coupon that doubled= .85
  • 1 HT butter biscuit: $1.50
  • 4 Breakstone's Sour Cream: $1. Used 2 $1/2 coupons (found in store) that doubled=FREE
  • 1 package of Kraft Shredded Cheese: $3.29. Used $1 coupon (peelie) that doubled= $1.29 * Special Kraft Catalina deal going on: buy 5 Kraft products (I got 4 breakstone's and 1 shredded cheese) get $5 off your next grocery order! deal runs through 8/15*
  • 1 Danactive yogurt: $1.99 Used $1 coupon that doubled= FREE
  • 2 activia yogurt: $3.98. Used 2 $1 coupon that doubled= both FREE
  • 2 Oscar Mayer Turkey Hotdogs: B1G1 $4.25 for 2. Used $1/2 that doubled= $2.25/2 or $1.13 each
I used my $10 off catalina coupon for my groceries. So all together I paid out of pocket $9.33! Woo Hoo!!! I saved $76.52 with coupons and vic deals. :) Not to mention I also received a $5 off catalina coupon for my next grocery shop.... which of course I will be using tomorrow for round 2 of Super Doubles! Can't wait. Have you found any deals during Super Doubles? If so let me know!


  1. great shopping trip!
    Wondering where you are located since you shop at HT too...I'm in NC.
    Thanks for stopping by and visiting me today!

  2. Great job on the shopping trip!

  3. Hi Jennifer! I am located in North Carolina as well! So thankful that we have Harris Teeter everywhere here in this state! :)

  4. I'm sad about my wholly guacomole coupon. I had one and then threw it away!! SO sad :-(

  5. Great trip! I'm jealous of some of your coupons I didn't have.

    Thanks for linking it up!
