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Monday, July 26, 2010

Here goes nothing!

Alright, I need everyone to send up a prayer for me. I have an interview tomorrow morning! I am hoping to break into a completely new field and I am excited about the opportunity to do so. (Don't worry, I am going to still be blogging about my saving adventures- after all it's one of my passions to save money!) However, in getting this job I would still be fulfilling this passion.
You see, Zach and I have designed a plan that we think is going to work best for us. We will live off of his paycheck and whatever I make we will be saving! ( I will discuss this at more length in my series Marriage & Money, which I will post sometime this week!) This job would be such a huge blessing for us to work toward our goals. Thank you in advance for all of your support. I will update you on how it goes... stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I had the interview this morning. We will see what happens but I have a feeling I won't get the job. However, I will keep y'all posted! Thanks for supporting me!
